Early on in the pregnancy mom and dad were excited to be welcoming another handsome boy to their family. But to their surprise, at their 34 week ultrasound, little Baby J surprised them all when it was revealed that they would actually be welcoming a beautiful baby girl instead!
Baby J's due date came and went and we were all anxiously awaiting her arrival. The big day came early on Friday June 19th, when her momma woke and knew that this day was going to be it! Mom was prepared with her birth affirmations posted on her wall. I love seeing this at home births. The words written up on the walls bring strength and comfort to an already peaceful setting. When I arrived, mom was laboring in the shower. She was focused and knew what needed to be done. Soon after my arrival, her midwives arrived and helped her into the birthing pool. It wasn't long after being moved to the pool that mom was ready to push. She was strong and she labored like a warrior. She had the amazing support of her husband and three midwives that were all there cheering her on and coaching her through each contraction. The moment we all had been waiting so patiently for came at 11:22 a.m. There SHE was, sweet Baby J, beautiful and glowing! Watching the bond between mom and Baby J was a delight. You could feel the love between mom and daughter the moment she was placed on her chest!
All I know, is that Baby J has been born among an amazing family! Mom and dad had so much support from parents and siblings and they were all there in the other room, waiting to see the new addition to their family! Not only that, but she has one handsome big brother that is going to be watching out for her, every step of the way!