Thursday, February 5, 2015

You have to start somewhere!

Baby E is special to me in so many ways!  Welcoming her into the world was my first time photographing a birth and I couldn't have asked for a better setting and a better group of people!  I met her mom, Olivia, on a FB group when I asked if there was anyone out there willing to share their birth with a stranger.  She replied, we met, and I knew we were meant to be lifelong friends.  It was as if we were meant to cross paths and I couldn't be more grateful!!

The call came mid-morning on December 30, 2014 and I was excited and ready to go!  When I got there, things were moving smoothly and quickly and her midwives were busy getting everything ready.  Olivia was in great spirits and cracking jokes in between contractions.  Everyone was all smiles and the energy of the room was as cool and calm as could be.  It didn't take long and her contractions were getting much more intense and coming much more often.  Her husband, Kyle, was such a strong support for her. He was full of compassion and encouragement from beginning to end.  He was hands on the whole time and you could see that his touch gave her strength.  They were deeply connected and it was beautiful to capture those moments between them!  The end was getting near and Miss E would be here shortly.  Olivia had a short break between some very intense contractions.  In that moment, she looked up at all of us and smiled. Her strength and determination was awe inspiring!  Miss E was born at 12:36 p.m., perfect and beautiful in every way!  Congratulations Kyle and Olivia, you are one amazing team and you sure know how to make beautiful baby girls!


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